2-lamp DLP-Cup, even more compact and still as efficient!
With 4 log reduction, the DLP-Cup ensures Pulsed Light decontamination of your cups and packagings.
2021 CFIA, firsts successes for Phoxene!
2021 CFIA in Rennes is now over, these 3 days of discussion have been very interesting for Phoxene and its clients !
Phoxene at 2021 CFIA in Rennes !
Phoxene will be present at the Agro-Alimentaire fair of CFIA in Rennes on June 9, 10 and 11, 2021.
Meet us in hall 10 at stand A19!
Decontamination protocol adapted to hospital rooms
For a desired decontamination rate, the exposure time must be adjusted to the size of the rooms. Phoxene has developed a protocol for hospital room decontamination, here is an example of treatment. In a single bedroom and its bathroom, the DLP 360 must be positioned in 2 places. This single room and its bathroom will […]
Decontamination Cost per hospital room
With a €1.7 TCO (Long-term rental and maintenance services), Pulsed Light decontamination designed and manufactured by Phoxene is an economical and efficient solution.
Pulsed Light Datasheet: DLP-360
Phoxene’s cart for room decontamination passed microbiological tests: 99,99% on Staphylococcus aureus
Use case: DLP-360 in video
Phoxene, designer and manufacturer of pulsed light solutions introduces its new product, the DLP-360, a Pulsed Light Decontamination solution for rooms and closed spaces
Integrate the most compact module on the market !
DLP-Cup, the most compact Pulsed Light pot decontamination module on the market, ideal for single-track packaging machines.
Electronic, modular Pulsed Light
Phoxene’s Pulsed Light technology adapts to the most compact equipment. The optical head dedicated to the treatment of unit pots is powered by a modular and compact electronic unit.
2020 CFIA Innovation Awards
Pulsed Light is finally made accessible to all agro-food manufacturers, craftsmen or big names. The LPure solution adapts to single or multitrack machines, even the most compact ones, in place or in design.